This is the
view from my back door. The shrub with the yellowing leaves is Cornus 'Winter
Flame.' The winter twigs are red shading to yellow at the tips like a candle
flame. The orange-leaved shrub is Rhododendron vaseyi 'White Find.' The rounded
evergreen in center is Pinus strobus 'Nana.'

recirculating waterfall was installed several years ago on the slope facing a
patio near the back of the garden. (Apologies for the
Ironweed stems here and other plants not yet dead headed.) The steps lead
between two highbush blueberries to a shaded garden at the back.
View from the back towards the house. At left is Heptacodium
miconioides; largest tree shown here is Cornus kousa.
In the foreground is Cornus 'Wolf Eyes,' Eupatorium
'Chocolate,' peonies, and Magnolia stellata. The lawn and glider are in my
neighbor's back yard.
I added another row of rocks to this path this summer,
reducing the size of the island to make it more manageable.
Aster 'Raspberry Tart' offers a splash of color in front of
the shade garden. Tree at right is a black oak I planted about 20 years ago.
I love pagoda dogwoods! Cornus alternifolia is at left and
the cultivar 'Golden Shadows' at right. (I am nursing along the delicate C.
alternifolia 'Argentea' in another part of the garden.) The dahlia is
Visitors love this black-leaved pink dahlia, but I don't
know the name. Anyone?
Clematis 'Bill MacKensie' has proven to be vigorous! The
plant is just 19 months in the garden, perhaps a precautionary tale.
Duranta and purple shamrock add all-season color to a