
Bill's besøg i Smithsonian Victory Garden

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Bill's besøg i Smithsonian Victory Garden


Photos are from Bill Ross, who says, "I live in Virginia and love to visit the various Smithsonian museums in Washington DC. At the Museum of American History there is a Victory Garden intended to recreate the gardens and style of gardens that were planted during the 1940s, notably during World War II. These pictures are from a visit in August, 2014. The Smithsonian gardeners use heirloom and vintage varieties whenever possible. What's also fun to see are the various plant supports they have reconstructed for the climbing vegetables and flowers. I am planning on using a couple of these supports in my garden this year! They also use a very interesting sets of rolled organic materials for borders that help the raised gardens."


Bills besøg i Smithsonian Victory Garden


Bills besøg i Smithsonian Victory Garden


Bills besøg i Smithsonian Victory Garden


Bills besøg i Smithsonian Victory Garden


Bills besøg i Smithsonian Victory Garden


Bills besøg i Smithsonian Victory Garden


Bills besøg i Smithsonian Victory Garden


Bills besøg i Smithsonian Victory Garden


Bills besøg i Smithsonian Victory Garden


Bills besøg i Smithsonian Victory Garden


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