
Bonnie's besøg i Philadelphia blomster show

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Bonnie's besøg i Philadelphia blomster show


Photos are from Bonnie Pancoast, who's giving us a special treat! She says, "This year I had the opportunity to visit the 186th PHS Philadelphia Flower Show. My journey there was supposed to take place on Thursday, March 5th, but a late winter snow storm thwarted all my plans. As a young child snow would not have been an obstacle, as trains ran daily between the Lehigh Valley and Philadelphia. Today my companion and I had to drive south to Doylestown and board the train at that location to travel into the city. What followed was a step into America's oldest flower show celebrating the silver screen. With movie themes and songs playing in the background, people moved through acres of exhibits and vendors. I took over a hundred pictures and pared them down to 78. Here are 9 of my favorites including a photo showing the garden at the height of the March 5th snow storm. Hope you enjoy the breath of spring as much as I did."


Bonnies besøg i Philadelphia blomster show


Bonnies besøg i Philadelphia blomster show


Bonnies besøg i Philadelphia blomster show


Bonnies besøg i Philadelphia blomster show


Bonnies besøg i Philadelphia blomster show


Bonnies besøg i Philadelphia blomster show


Bonnies besøg i Philadelphia blomster show


Bonnies besøg i Philadelphia blomster show



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