Today's photos are from Jen Titilah, who says, "I live
in Snoqualmie, Washington, and I love to garden! I call myself the crazy plant
lady. I've crammed a lot of plants in a very small piece of property and I love
it!!! These pics are of the yards around my house. Enjoy!"

Welcome to Day 2 in Jen Talilah's Washington garden! Jen
answered my plea for more info. She says, "Our garden has been an almost
10 year labor of love. It started off as nothing but a steep rocky patch around
the house that the builder left behind. We filled in and leveled the property
by ourselves, which was a major undertaking and left us with some seriously
aching bodies! We hired a landscaper to build out the larger hardscaping, such
as the fence, rock walls, flagstone walkway, irrigation, and landscape
The backyard is only about 750 square feet and the front
yard 300 square feet, but it can really hold a lot of plants! I am a
plantaholic (is that a word?) and can't resist new plants at a nursery (so I've
tried to wean myself from going to them, but still am not fully cured).
Somehow, I always seem to find a spot for a new plant! So lots of plants have
found their home here, some have gone (mainly due to our PNW wet weather), and
these pictures are of how it looked as of last summer.
I've actually made a few changes to the yard since fall
2014, adding and changing pots, plants, and garden art. I also am getting ready
to start a project to level out the flagstone walkway that runs from the front
to the back yard through to the back driveway. I can send new pictures later in
the year after it has been completed, hopefully by May this year." Oh
please do, Jen! Your garden is so wonderful--I can't wait to see more!
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