
Linda Kiddoo, en landmands datter fra Taylor Ridge, Illinois

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Linda Kiddoo, en landmands datter fra Taylor Ridge, Illinois

Linda Kiddoo, a farmer's daughter from Taylor Ridge, Illinois (zone 5B). she is proof that sharing your gardening passion with your children is smart!


"My husband Dan and I have lived in our home 24 years...married 42 years. When we purchased the 3 acres, it was full of brush and weeds and lots of beautiful trees. My husband and sons cleared the brush and weeds and kept as many trees as we could. It was my job to plant the flowers and bushes around the house.  Here are some pictures of this spring and last summer. I am not a professional gardener, but I am the 'farmers daughter' and learned all I know from my mother. Her flowers were unbelievable. The old garden gate is from my Moms yard.  The pink peony bush and Tiger Lillies are from my grandmas farm.  I am now retired and love love working outdoors and trying new plants and seeds. I read and enjoy the GPOD everyday and feel like I know you all.  Thank you for inspiring me to do something I love."


Linda Kiddoo, en landmands datter fra Taylor Ridge, Illinois


Linda Kiddoo, en landmands datter fra Taylor Ridge, Illinois


Linda Kiddoo, en landmands datter fra Taylor Ridge, Illinois


Linda Kiddoo, en landmands datter fra Taylor Ridge, Illinois



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