
Tammy's have i South Dakota

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Tammy's have i South Dakota


From Tammy Williams in South Dakota, who says, "These are a few photos from the last couple of years of my containers and the wildflowers growing on a hillside in our yard. We live in the Black Hills of South Dakota in a fairly arid climate, so sometimes gardening is a challenge. What with the extremely rocky hill we live on and the shade, a good part of my gardening is done in containers near the house. I do have a wildflower garden that is a constant work in progress. It's always fun to see which flowers come up and do well from year to year. I have been gardening since I was a young girl and watched my grandma with her flowers and gardens and asked my Dad to make a garden spot in our yard. I remember when I was a teenager I had beautiful tuberous begonias growing in a planter that my dad had made at the front of our house. I was so unhappy when one night someone came and stole all of my beautiful flowers! I keep pots of geraniums, ivy, wax begonias, and asparagus ferns in our garage over the winter, and get my "gardening fix" throughout the winter deadheading and trimming." I must confess, Tammy, that I know nothing of your climate, but you do make it look easy to garden there! That huge swath of shooting stars (Dodecatheon meadia) is spectacular!


Tammys have i South Dakota


Tammys have i South Dakota


Tammys have i South Dakota


Tammys have i South Dakota


Tammys have i South Dakota


Tammys have i South Dakota


Tammys have i South Dakota


Tammys have i South Dakota


Tammys have i South Dakota


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